Range of Human Performance Time for AI to cross the human range in English draughts AI took over 30 years to go from beginner level to superhuman level
Range of Human Performance Time for AI to cross the human range in StarCraft AI took about twenty years to go from beginner level to high professional level.
Featured Articles Time for AI to cross the human performance range in ImageNet image classification Computer image classification performance took 3 years to go from untrained human level to trained human level
Range of Human Performance Time for AI to cross the human performance range in Go Computer Go took over 30 years to go from beginner level to superhuman.
Range of Human Performance Time for AI to cross the human performance range in chess Computer chess took around 50 years to go from beginner level to superhuman level.
Blog Relevant pre-AGI possibilities Daniel Kokotajlo June 2020 Brainstorm of ways the world could be relevantly different by the time advanced AGI arrives
Blog Description vs simulated prediction Rick Korzekwa April 2020 What are we trying to do when we look at history to inform forecasting?
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Hardware and AI Timelines 2019 recent trends in Geekbench score per CPU price From 2006 – 2020, Geekbench score per CPU price has grown by around 16% a year, for rates that would yield an order of magnitude over roughly 16 years.
Featured Articles Precedents for economic n-year doubling before 4n-year doubling Does the economy ever double without having first doubled four times slower? Yes, but not since 3000BC.